Kegs Program. How to order:
Vinum Cellars works with FreeFlow Wines as its official Keg fulfillment resource. Their role is to supply the kegs, fill and pick up empty kegs at our distributor’s warehouses. They also provide expertise in terms of tap installations and system advice through Wine Tap Alliance @ 1-855-KEGWINE.
Ordering Process: Place a discrete PO the same as you would for case goods. The kegs will be picked up at FreeFlow Wines, Napa, California. FreeFlow Wines will track the kegs and arrangefor pick up of all empty kegs at each distributor’s warehouse nationally.
FreeFlow Wines: 2557 Napa Valley Corporate Dr, Napa, CA 94558 (415) 626-1215
2022 CHENIN Chenin Blanc, Clarksburg
2021 Chardonnay, Monterey County
2021 Pinot Noir, Monterey County
2020 PETS Petite Sirah, Clarksburg
2019 INSIDER Cabernet Sauvignon, Paso Robles
Tap Handles: 
Our handles are available in Stamped barrel wood. Contact Richard Bruno:
Also, Branding on Demand Tap Handles are available at Flexible, cost-effective and user-friendly BOD tap handles make marketing simple. Request the artwork from us and you can download, print and insert into the clear handle forms.